Deep Center

Mental Health & Relationship Coaching

real tools. rapid results.

Word on the street

  • “Kendall was absolutely amazing. She held my progress with such warm regard, and challenged me in such a warm and welcoming way. I truly enjoyed working with her!”

  • “Kendall was a wonderful coach. Her insights, feedback and help were exactly what I needed. She made me really think through how to address my issues, goals, vision and exactly what I wanted to achieve. I truly enjoyed having her as my coach!”

  • "I was nervous and excited to begin coaching. Kendall completely put me at ease. After working with her I feel empowered to create a life I am happy to live. I still use Tapping every morning!"

  • "In the beginning, I didn't know where my path would lead, I was in a maze and didn't know what direction to follow, rather overwhelmed. Kendall has really helped guide me to the right direction to the point where I feel confident I can finish and move on to the next phase of my life. I feel like life is always a maze but now I have the faith, confidence, and self-esteem to push forward!"

What’s The Deep Center Coaching?

“You can’t connect to a relationship if you can’t connect to a person, and you can’t connect to a person if you can’t connect to yourself.” Terry Real.

Are you tired of the same old struggles like anxiety, burnout, and boredom? Does your relationship feel stale and routine or worse your ’re on the brink of a breakup? Do you yearn for a deep, meaningful connection to yourself and your partner but can't seem to get there? Have you tried therapy but nothing has improved?

At The Deep Center™, I understand that relationships are complex, delicate ecosystems that require constant nurturing and growth. That's why I’ve crafted a unique coaching system powered by the Emotional Freedom Technique & Relational Life Therapy that dives deep into the heart of underlying blindspots and relationship dynamics, empowering you with the tools to transform your relational life.

What makes my coaching unique?

  1. Lasting Change
    Traditional therapy and coaching heal through nurture, but this isn’t enough for permanent change. The Deep Center Coaching goes much further, equipping people with the lifelong relational skills they need for lasting change.

  2. Swift Results
    Coaching that drags on can harm clients, especially those in crisis. I use a powerful combination of techniques to get to the root of negative behaviors quickly, understand where they came from, and teach clients how to change them.

  3. Dramatic Transformations
    The idea that character is fixed needs to be updated. Character is changeable, and through our evidence-based coaching, we can teach people to transform negative beliefs and behaviors, often dramatically and sometimes immediately.

  4. Radical Honesty
    I don’t shy away from directly telling clients what they’re doing to harm their relationships. I teach them what to do so they can have the relational experience they want with their partner.

  5. I Take Sides
    Often, therapists and coaches remain neutral, never siding with one partner. But relationships are rarely 50/50, so in our style, we explicitly side with the disempowered partner to restore balance in the relationship.

  6. I’m a Fellow Traveler
    I am not all-knowing, and I’m certainly not perfect. I’m in the thick of it with you, sharing my experiences of relational living to inspire, motivate, and build trust. Perfection doesn't have a place here.

  7. Powered by the Emotional Freedom Technique
    Anxiety? Stress? Depression? Burnout? After surviving cancer, I know a thing or two about it. I’ll provide evidence-based principles and practices to clinically reduce anxiety, stress, burnout, depression, and PTSD in each session. As a Certified EFT/Tapping Practitioner, I will teach you to regulate your brain and nervous system with tools you can use for a lifetime.

    So, are you ready to embark on the life and relationship you deserve? To experience the transformative power of Kendall Carriere's coaching, book here.

What’s EFT/Tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping is a holistic therapeutic approach that combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine, psychology, and energy medicine to address emotional and physical well-being.

Also known simply as "tapping," this technique involves gently tapping specific meridian points on the body with one's fingertips while focusing on verbalizing and acknowledging emotional issues, negative thoughts, or physical discomfort.

Rigorous studies have shown EFT has a remarkable 75 percent success rate (that's more than 2x the success rate for other forms of therapy).

Coaching is not for you if...

Coaching is not for you if...

You are already one foot out the door.

You’re unwilling to show up for yourself in a new way.

You want to keep doing the same old thing.

You don’t want genuine intimacy.

You aren’t open-minded.


  • The distinction between therapy and coaching, such as The Deep Center Coaching, lies in their focus, approach, and objectives.


    1. Focus: Therapy primarily addresses mental health issues, emotional challenges, and psychological disorders. It delves into past experiences, traumas, and underlying issues affecting an individual's well-being.

    2. Objective: The goal of therapy is often to heal, recover, or manage mental health symptoms. Therapists work with clients to explore deep-rooted issues, gain insight, and promote emotional healing.

    3. Approach: Therapists use various therapeutic techniques, including psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and psychodynamic therapy, to help clients understand and cope with their emotions and behaviors.

    The Deep Center Coaching

    1. Focus: Coaching, like The Deep Center Coaching, is future-oriented and focuses on personal and relational development. It aims to help individuals achieve specific goals, overcome obstacles, and enhance their relationships and overall life satisfaction.

    2. Objective: The primary objective of coaching is to facilitate personal growth, improve performance, and foster positive change. Coaches work with clients to set and achieve goals, illuminate blindspots, explore aspirations, and build on existing strengths.

    3. Approach: Coaches use a goal-oriented and action-driven approach. They provide support, accountability, and practical tools to help clients progress in their lives, whether in relationships, careers, or personal development.

    While therapy and coaching have distinct focuses, it's essential to note that they are complementary and serve different needs.

    Therapy may be more suitable for addressing mental health concerns, while coaching is ideal for individuals seeking guidance, evidence-based tools, and improvement in specific areas of their lives. It's crucial for individuals to choose the approach that aligns with their current needs and goals.

  • You will begin by creating with Kendall a clear assessment of what needs to change for your relationship to thrive. You can expect Kendall to be forthright in calling out each partner’s anti-relational behaviors and committed to and passionate about helping you both succeed. Kendall will make suggestions for practice between sessions because relational intimacy is an ongoing practice. You can also expect brain regulation practices that you can use for a lifetime.

  • Whether or not to work with a coach in addition to a therapist depends on your specific needs, goals, and the dynamics of your therapeutic relationship. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

    1. Complementary Focus:

    - If your therapist primarily addresses mental health issues, past traumas, and emotional well-being, our coaching can complement this by specifically targeting relationship dynamics, communication skills, and life transitions.

    2. Specific Goals:

    - Determine if you have specific goals related to relationships, communication, or life transitions that you want to address separately from your therapeutic work. A coach can provide practical tools and strategies to help you achieve these goals.

    3. Collaboration with Therapist:

    - Ensure that your therapist and potential coach are open to collaboration. It's essential that both professionals know about your involvement in both modalities to ensure a cohesive and supportive approach to your well-being.

    4. Resource for Life Transitions:

    - If you are navigating significant life transitions such as career changes, relationship shifts, or personal development goals, a coach can offer guidance and support specifically tailored to these areas.

    5. Personal Preferences:

    - Consider your own preferences and comfort level. Some individuals find value in having different types of support, while others may prefer to focus solely on therapeutic work.

    6. Budget and Resources:

    - Assess the practical aspects, such as the financial commitment and time investment required for therapy and coaching.

    7. Communication Skills:

    - If you specifically want to enhance your communication skills, conflict resolution abilities, or improve relationships, any coaching can offer targeted interventions and strategies in these areas.

  • Traditional couples therapy may fail to yield results due to its heavy reliance on impartiality. This means the behaviors harming relationships often aren’t addressed, so couples can’t make the necessary changes. Like other therapies, our coaching teaches relationship skills, but first, we deal with the part of you that doesn't want to use them.

    Our work seamlessly integrates individual and couple treatment into one therapy to empower you to continue building authentic connections for life. description

  • Measuring success in relationship coaching with The Deep Center involves assessing various aspects of personal and relational growth. Here are key indicators to consider when evaluating the success of your coaching experience:

    1. Improved Communication Skills:

    - Measure success by observing enhancements in your ability to communicate effectively with your partner. Look for increased clarity, empathy, and understanding in your conversations.

    2. Conflict Resolution:

    - Evaluate success based on your improved capacity to navigate conflicts constructively. Assess whether you can address disagreements with a positive and solution-oriented approach.

    3. Increased Relationship Satisfaction:

    - Gauge success by monitoring your overall satisfaction in your relationship. Positive changes should be evident in the quality of your connection, intimacy, and emotional well-being.

    4. Goal Attainment:

    - Reflect on the goals you set with your coach. Success is achieved when you make tangible progress towards these objectives, whether they involve personal growth, relationship milestones, or specific accomplishments.

    5. Enhanced Emotional Intelligence:

    - Measure success by observing an increased awareness and understanding of your own and your partner's emotions. Success in emotional intelligence is reflected in improved self-regulation and empathy.

    6. Application of Tools and Strategies:

    - Assess success by considering your ability to apply the tools and strategies provided by The Deep Center in real-life situations. The practical application of learned skills is a key measure of progress.

    7. Positive Changes in Relationship Dynamics:

    - Success is evident when there are positive shifts in the dynamics of your relationship. Look for increased mutual support, trust, and collaboration.

    8. Individual Growth:

    - Measure success by evaluating your personal development and self-discovery. Success in relationship coaching often involves individual growth, leading to a more fulfilled and confident self.

    9. Long-Term Sustainability:

    - Consider success in terms of the sustainability of positive changes over the long term. A successful coaching experience should equip you with the tools and mindset to navigate future challenges independently.

    10. Feedback and Reflection:

    - Regularly solicit feedback from your coach and engage in self-reflection. Success is not always about monumental changes but also includes continuous progress and a positive trajectory.